According to the data released by the Chinese General Administration of Customs, pesticide import/export in the first ten months of 2013 is shown in table 1.
Table 1 pesticide import/export in first ten months of 2013 (000 tonnes, $M) |
Category |
Volume |
Value |
ten months |
%change |
ten months |
%change |
Import |
Insecticides |
7.1 |
+26.1 |
112 |
+19.9 |
Fungicides |
20.4 |
+27.1 |
226 |
+36.3 |
Herbicides |
17.4 |
+21.8 |
95 |
-8.8 |
Total |
54.2 |
+23.2 |
482 |
+18.0 |
Export |
Insecticides |
161.7 |
-5.4 |
650 |
+11.0 |
Fungicides |
59.6 |
-7.5 |
281 |
-9.9 |
Herbicides |
497.9 |
+21.0 |
1,363 |
+28.2 |
Total |
748.9 |
+12.6 |
2,360 |
+17.3 |
It is shown from the table above that the imported and exported pesticide both
increased in the first ten months. The volume of imported pesticide increased
by 23.2% to 54,200 tons, which accounted for 1.9% of total domestic output; the
value reached $482 million, increased by 18.0%, the imported average price
decreased by 4.6% to $8,893.0/t. Among them, imported insecticide price was
highest, rose by 5.2% to $ 15,775/t; imported fungicides went up by 36.3%.
In October, imported fungicides continued to grow, with an increase of 56.5%, while the imports of insecticides and herbicides declined.
Volume of exported pesticide grew by 12.6% to 748,900 tons, the exported pesticide value increased by 17.3% to $2,360 million, and the exported average price rose by 4.3% to $3151.3/t. The volume of exported pesticides accounts for 26.1% of the total output. Among them, exported herbicides volume grew by 21.0% to 497,900 tons, accounting for 66.5% of the total export, 37.7% of herbicide production. The exported herbicide value was $1,363 million; the average exported price was $2,737.5/t, increased by 6.4%. As carbendazim exports stumble due to the Brazil exported orange juice residue issues at the beginning of the year, fungicides exports volume and value continued to decline. The exported fungicide decreased by 7.5% to 59,600 tons, accounting for 8.0% of the total exported volume, 50.9% of fungicide production; the exported fungicide value reached $281 million, down by 9.9%, the average exported price was $4,714.8/t, decreased by 3.0%.