The Ministry of Agriculture and the Colombian Institute of Agriculture (ICA) announced a ban on the registration and definitive use of pesticides that have fipronil as an active ingredient. Please check the RESOLUCIÓN No.00000740.
Luis Domingo Gómez, the author of the action, celebrated the decision and highlighted the fact that the resolution is ″supported by irrefutable scientific evidence that mainly benefits pollinators and, consequently, the health of people and future generations.″
The decision was taken by a technical committee constituted to comply with the conclusion of the court of the Colombian state of Cundinamarca, which ordered the adoption of measures to preserve pollinating insects.
The resolution is based on a technical study carried out by Agrosavia (Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation), which determined that fipronil is an insecticide whose indiscriminate use has caused the death of bees and the disappearance of hives.
The investigation showed that Quindío, Huila, Cundinamarca, Meta, and Cesar are the five Colombian states where the most bee deaths were recorded last year.
″Bees play a valuable role because we need dynamic agriculture. In this transition, we must carry out sustainable agriculture with actions and good practices,″ said the Colombian Minister of Agriculture, Cecilia López Montaño.
According to her, this is the ″commitment for the beekeeping sector to occupy the place it deserves in the entire production chain and make the country a world power in world food production″.
The minister reiterated the agreement she signed with the Julius Kühn Institute from Germany for the advancement of scientific research and cooperation to promote the protection of pollinators, given their importance in agricultural production.
María del Pilar Ruiz Molina, General Manager (e) of the ICA, said ″the issuance of this resolution has a significant impact on the development of a more productive, equitable and environmentally correct field.″
She pointed out that there will now be 12 months to discuss alternatives and depleting the existing stocks of products that contain this active ingredient and are sold in the country.
During the technical table, it was explained that there are several alternatives to the insecticide fipronil that can be analyzed for a year and thus offer options to producers.