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Analysis of China registrations of old-master Trifloxystrobin

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] 2023/10/7     Viewed:    

Trifloxystrobin is one of the hot products out of the strobilurin fungicides, and recently, this active ingredient has received the attention of the industry, where the supply of technical material in China becomes tight, attributable to its performance advantage, application effect, and market demand.

The writer believes that Trifloxystrobin will still have a larger market space in the future and will remain marketable for much longer. Today, the writer is making an assortment of registrations of the Trifloxystrobin products for the reference of pesticide companies.

As per China Pesticide Registration Watch, there have been 102 registrations of Trifloxystrobin, including 77 mixtures, 11 single agents, and 14 technical materials.



Trifloxystrobin is mostly mixed with tebuconazole, accounting for half of the existing mixtures; there are seven mixtures with difenoconazole.
Trifloxystrobin mixtures can be used to control a variety of crop diseases, including broad applications for control of rice sheath blight, rice false smut, rice blast, and apple (tree) brown spot, followed by wheat scab and cucumber powdery mildew, with fewer applications for control of wheat rust and tomato early blight.

Moreover, there are less than five registrations for application to 56 crops, including control of grape powdery mildew, corn gray leaf spot, mango anthracnose, pseudo-ginseng gray mold, and garlic leaf blight.

In summary, although Trifloxystrobin has appeared on the market for many years, its market position is still significant, maintaining its great potential in the fungicide market, as the product can applied to dozens of crops.

Interested companies may consider expansion of crop application or screening of more mixtures.

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