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10 Most-selling pesticide active ingredients in 2022 released by Brazilian Ibama

Word:[Big][Middle][Small] 2024/1/2     Viewed:    

AgroPages gained access to a report from Ibama (Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) revealing the ten most-selling active ingredients in the country in the year 2022.


Source: IBAMA / Consolidation of data provided by companies registering technical products, pesticides and similar products.

According to the analyzed data, the most traded molecules, in tons, were Glyphosate and its salts; 2,4-D; Atrazine, Mancozeb; Acephate; Chlorothalonil, Diquat Dibromide, Glufosinate – Ammonium Salt, Chlorpyrifos, and Methomyl.

In 2022, 232 companies holding registrations for agrochemical products submitted self-declarative reports to Ibama on the Production, Importation, Commercialization, and Exportation of registered agrochemicals.

Some 4,025 reports of formulated products (PF) and 2,241 reports of technical products (PT) were received, totaling 6,266 annual reports.

For products classified as "Chemicals and Biochemicals," sales amounted to 800,652 tons of active ingredients (a.i.), representing an increase of approximately 11% compared to the previous year (2021), with sales of 720,870 tons.

Regarding data on domestic sales, out of the total 3,749 registered Formulated Products, only 2,211 (58.97%) reported commercialization data, while 1,538 (41.03%) products were not moved, with zero production, importation, exportation - indicating that not all registered products are marketed.

The data received from registration holders show increased production and sales of products categorized as Semiochemicals, Microbiologicals, or Biological Control Agents, considered to have low environmental hazards.

Domestic sales of Semiochemicals corresponded to 23.81 tons of active ingredients; internal production, in turn, was 25.36 tons, representing a threefold increase compared to the value recorded in 2021: 7.70 tons.

For Microbiological products, sales were 3,860 tons of active ingredients, an almost threefold increase from the previous year.

Regarding Biological Control Agents, the disclosure methodology is still being developed due to its specific characteristics.

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